Wednesday, July 22, 2009

15 Rules for all Sales Professionals

1. Be passionate about what you do, the products you offer, and the company you represent. If you are “just” earning a paycheck, it’s time to move on!
2. Don’t make excuses! When something goes wrong, accept responsibility. Businesses are run by people, and people make mistakes. It’s not necessarily the mistake that can cause you to loose a client but how you react to the mistake, is above all, the most important.
3. Be a consultant for your client. It doesn’t matter if you are selling shoes or airplanes; make sure your client get the product that will solve their problem. I use the SPIN Selling model and would highly recommend this or a similar model.
4. If you are having a bad day, take the day off! The difference between a good day and a bad day is attitude. Remember the 90/10 rule: 10% of life is made up of what happens to you and the other 90% of life is decided by how we react.
5. Set expectations and over deliver. When you promise something, make sure it happens!
6. Know your market and the strengths, weaknesses and threats of your competition.
7. Set your goals, write them down, and review your progress frequently. The frequency depends on your product and how it is tracked. Goals need to be achievable and measurable. The more you can break your goals down, the easier it is to measure your success.
8. Plan your attack! Few sales people will do a business plan and even fewer will update their plan. In my plan, I analyze the market including competitive SWOT analysis, document goals and the activity needed to reach the goals. I consistently monitor my plan and make changes as needed. Your business plan should be a living breathing document. If you are doing the same thing over and over, you are going to get the same results!
9. Smart activity drives sales. Pick up the phone or go see a client. Use your time wisely and know how many “No’s” you need in order for that “Yes”. “No’s” aren't necessarily a bad… You are getting closer to the “Yes”
10. Selling is all about relationships. I had the highest sales in a territory for my company. Like all companies, none are perfect. When I left, sales plummeted not because I was a Super Sales Hero but because of the relationships I had forged and maintained were no longer attached to the company and the imperfections of the company were seen as a barrier in doing business with.
11. Be humble! There is a lot of pride in this world and the last thing the world needs is another ego to deal with.
12. Give thanks. Show your appreciation to your clients, your support staff, your boss and most importantly, your Maker for without them you have no success!
13. Help others succeed and grow. We hear of the WIIFM “what’s in it for me” change that to WIIFO “what’s in it for others”
14. Be yourself! Don’t try to be someone you are not. This will inhibit your growth
15. The last rule is simple but hard… Make it a Great Day! Good days might happen but Great days never just happen, they are made! Your attitude will determine your altitude!

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