Thursday, February 5, 2009

Giving Back

Winston Churchill said,” We make a living by what we get, we make a life by what we give.” In the Bible Paul teaches, “…the person who plants a little will have a small harvest, but the person who plants a lot will have a big harvest. Each of you should give as you have decided in your heart to give. You should not be sad when you give, and you should not give because you feel forced to give.” So why give? By helping other, I have found it gives a clarity, purpose and direction in my life.

One of my wife’s friends, Lisa who lives in Chicago, was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis. As her condition deteriorated, her husband could not continue to live up to his wedding vows (in sickness and in health) and left. Being in Houston made it difficult for my wife and I to do much for her. Some friends told me about the MS150, a bike tour from Houston to Austin to raise money for MS. I decided: I would be Lisa’s champion and enter this event and ride in her honor. How hard could it be, it’s a bicycle! I don’t have to run or walk. Being overweight, I thought I could get in shape too. Once the training rides started, I quickly realized that I was in over my head. Not only did I tell all of my friends, family and associates but I told Lisa and her family. It was too late, no turning back. This was one of those defining moments in my life. Knowing that I couldn’t do it, I was determined to prove myself wrong. I trained 5-7 days a week. My driving force came from knowing that the pain I was experiencing was nothing compared to what Lisa was going through on a daily basis. How I suffered and knowing how Lisa was suffering gave me clarity, purpose and direction. She needed someone to stand up for her and face adversity with her. I am glad that I was there and used for that purpose. I did it and I survived and I have been continuing to ride in this event, in honor of Lisa, for the last 4 years.

To be loved, you have to love. It’s your chance to Pay It Forward. Help a friend, coworker or stranger down on their luck. Find a cause and be a champion for that cause. You will experience blessings that money can’t buy and meet people along the way that will change your life. Try it today. Do something unexpected for someone and start changing the world.

To learn more about MS or make a donation please visit:

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Great Days don't just happen, Make it a Great Day.

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